Bankia, in its commitment to society, supports entities that work to give a second chance to women victims of gender violence. With the arrival of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the bank wanted to give visibility to the projects it supports, which focus on promoting employment for vulnerable groups and are carried out in line with SDG 5, Gender Equality.
The victims of violence against women are as important as the professionals who are behind their empowerment and recovery process. With the aim of giving them a voice and sharing their experiences with society, in order to send a message of hope to those who are going through a similar situation, we have travelled around Spain looking for these women to tell us their experiences in first person in front of our camera.
Accompanying the interview, a series of animated illustrations have been introduced to represent in a metaphorical way the facts that are told in the interview. Illustrations that have also formed part of and have served as a guiding thread for the posters and animated posters that have been produced for the project.