Rafa Nadal and Cantabria Labs joined forces to launch NDL Pro Health, a line of products to boost energy and promote physical and mental recovery after any daily activity.
To increase the visibility and notoriety of their products, they contacted us and we proposed an impact action that would connect with the public and serve to raise awareness of the brand, setting as an objective the ability to turn an everyday moment into a personal triumph.
To transmit this concept, we designed a Street Marketing action in the streets of Madrid, with the aim of recreating the exciting moment of ‘crossing the finish line’. Using a portable finish line, banners and a team of entertainers, we sought to allow anyone to experience the feeling of triumph and personal achievement.
Rafa Nadal’s career, marked by his achievements and unwavering effort, becomes a symbol of the challenges that anyone faces on a daily basis. This action connects with the public by highlighting that the feeling of ‘crossing the finish line’ is not exclusive to sport, but is a reflection of the small and big everyday achievements.
Under the slogan #ConMuchoDeRafa, we invited passers-by to take part in this unique experience by giving them a free set of NDL Pro Health products when they cross the finish line. This gesture not only reinforces the campaign message, but also generates a motivational and playful atmosphere, awakening interest in learning more about the brand and its benefits.